The Village

The fictional village in Year of Wonders, which is never given a name in the story, is based on the real-life village of Eyam Derbyshire and the events that occurred there in 1665.

In 1990, Geraldine Brooks and her husband were sightseeing in the hills of central England when they stumbled upon a historical marker directing them to the “Plague Village.”  Brooks was intrigued by the story of Eyam, the Plague Village, and upon further investigation; she learned that when the bubonic plague struck Eyam in 1665, the villagers, under the guidance of the town rector, decided to voluntarily quarantine themselves to prevent the spread of the disease. The village paid a heavy price for its decision. During the year in which they were quarantined, two-thirds of the villagers died and many families lost multiple family members. This story of Eyam and its courageous inhabitants was the inspiration behind Year of Wonders.

To learn more about the actual village of Eyam visit any of the sites listed below:

Published on December 11, 2009 at 7:18 pm  Leave a Comment  

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